Saturday 22 February 2014

2014 Getting started and a new chapter!

WOW - how weird is this......! It's over ten years since I graduated from Northern Ballet School and now I find myself enrolling onto the BAPP Course. 

So much has changed since I was at NBS, with the invention of Facebook, Twitter, Flicker, Blogger and various other social media sites, I find all this a little daunting. 

So where to start.....?

Well my name is Oliver Hajba, I am on the wrong side of 25 but I am just on the right side of thirty years old. I started out dancing way back in the early 90's at various different local dance schools in York. By the age of 14, I had completed most of my syllabus exams and I was hungry for something a little more that 'Elsey Bloggs Dance Academy for Tap and Hula' at the local church hall. so I decided to pop on the train to Leeds and have a go at auditioning for NSCD's Youth Dance Project. Success :) and little did I know what I had just done. 

Starting to train with NSCD's Youth Dance team opened up so many doors for me, I went on to join Phoenix's Youth Academy and did various different projects with Phoenix and NBT. In January 2001 I auditioned for NBS in Manchetser and was awarded a scholarship on their 'G&T' list (Not gin and tonic, but gifted and talented). 

A whirlwind of three years at NBS passed by so quickly, with various different 'jobs' whilst at NBS, I worked for Granada TV on shows such as Stars in Their Eyes, Discomania, Christmasmania and An Audience with..... to name but a few. 

My time to leave NBS came in the July of 2004 and a move to London was on the cards, after appearing in several shows in the 'big smoke' I decided to audition for jobs abroad thus landing me a job in Paris. The Glamour and Glitz of Paris was awesome but soon I became hungry for yet another adventure. Portugal was my next, and final, port of call. During a technical rehearsal for a new show in the casino I was dancing in, I fell and shattered my left hip. OUCH! Now, a return to York was on the cards. Several months of recovering, crying and wondering followed my return to York. NOTHING was ever going to satisfy me as much as performing did. I was right, several jobs in retail, sandwich making and bar tending left me feeling empty inside. Again a new star was on the cards.

A move to Gran Canaria followed and soon I was loving my life in the sun. Working several different jobs out in GC, I soon realised how lonely life in the Canaries could be. Knowing what jobs faced me back in the UK it was a tough decision to make, I opted to move back to the UK and set up home somewhere new. Newcastle was the city of choice not only because of the people I knew from there, but one massive contribution factor that there was the promise of a job there should I return to the UK. Working in a call centre was not my ideal job, but it was something to get my teeth into and at least I could apply for promotions and start to work my way up. One of the roles I undertook whilst in Newcastle was that of Trainer at the call centre I was working at. By accident I had yet again fallen into something that I had loved, working with people and training them to do something new. After a merge with another big telecommunication company, I found myself facing redundancy. I tried and tried to find a job that satisfied me as much as my last one did but the responses were always the same, 'no qualifications in this field = no job'.

At this time, my partner (Mr S) who is a maths teacher, mentioned about me looking for work in a school as a GTA. Good Call Mr S, by far this is the most fulfilling job I have ever had. I LOVE working in education :). My aim now is to complete my BAPP, then some form of QT such as a SKITT, PGCE or Schools Direct. 

Well after the initial  fear of  'what am I going to write' and 'how do I introduce myself' I do feel much better that I have made a start and I have finaly joined the 21st Century and become a 'Blogger'................ until next time, 

AdiĆ³s Amigos 


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