Monday 16 March 2015

Module 2 - WBS 3630

My head hurts after all this reading.....

I have lots of idea flying around in my head and its spinning! I feel like I have a disco ball in my head!

Well, I have lots to think about after a convocation with Paula, I have done a bit more reading of the handbook (in the hope that it will make sense) and I have come up with two line that I would like to look into further before I decide which one to choose.

Something along the lines of.........

' Is having a performance background an advantage when working in a primary school classroom?'


'When working with a child with a special need such as Autism or Aspergers, is it an advantage to have a performance background?'

I really cant decide and the titles are , as always, a work in progress..........

Right I am singing off for tonight now, I will be back soon, and I really hope to connect with some of you whom are starting Mod2 with me.
