Monday 16 March 2015

Module 2 - WBS 3630

My head hurts after all this reading.....

I have lots of idea flying around in my head and its spinning! I feel like I have a disco ball in my head!

Well, I have lots to think about after a convocation with Paula, I have done a bit more reading of the handbook (in the hope that it will make sense) and I have come up with two line that I would like to look into further before I decide which one to choose.

Something along the lines of.........

' Is having a performance background an advantage when working in a primary school classroom?'


'When working with a child with a special need such as Autism or Aspergers, is it an advantage to have a performance background?'

I really cant decide and the titles are , as always, a work in progress..........

Right I am singing off for tonight now, I will be back soon, and I really hope to connect with some of you whom are starting Mod2 with me.



  1. Oliver continue with your line of inquiry - Lynn Terry has done some work with this and dance education - look at Hollie Smiths archived blog - good starting point now - literature - ethics and planning - you need to bog more... Please contact for more discussion and come to the 3rd session online!!!

  2. Hi Oliver my inquiry is into the area of dance teaching for people on the autism spectrum. It would be good to connect with you and share some ideas. My email is :

  3. Hi Oliver

    Please take a minute to look at my blogs as we are following a similar line of inquiry in regards to Performing Arts and Primary Education.
